Tuesday, September 18, 2007

In a crypt-like rocket, or something

I work a pretty cool schedule. Over the course of two weeks, I work 8 9-hour days, one 8-hour day and have one day off. My day off is every other Monday. Yesterday just happened to be my 13th anniversary.

I wish I could say that we did something romantic or nice, but honestly, we didn't have the money to go out and do anything. We planned to have a nice meal at home, but neither of us felt up to it by the time cooking time rolled around.

The wife hadn't felt good much of the day and my back was giving me problems. Though there is some progress. I spent yesterday afternoon in a coffin. Well, in an MRI. I don't know how many of you have done that, but it is a bizarre experience. Very confining and all these weird, loud noises going on around you, your mind starts playing tricks on you after a short bit.

Hopefully, I'll find out later today or tomorrow what's up.

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