Thursday, April 12, 2007

Behind the scenes blogging

Sometimes e-mail conversations are too good not to share:

Mr. Bingley sent:
Today is International Disadvantaged People's Day.
Please send an encouraging message to a retarded friend ... just as I've done. I don't care if you lick windows, screw farm animals, take the short bus or occasionally shit yourself ... You hang in there sunshine, you're effing special.

To which I replied:
Hey! Ken resembles those remarks.

Because I was really bored this morning and really just wanted to start some crap.

To which Ken replied:
Slowly I turn...

Because Ken couldn't do better than drum up a Three Stooges reference.

To which I replied:
Doesn't that go without saying? There's only one thing you're known for being quick at ... much to your wife's chagrin.

Because, well, it was the easy path to take.

To which Ken replied:
Well, that's true. That all night long stuff is a thing of the past. Three or fours is about my limit these days...

Because he takes it on threes or all fours.

To which I replied:
I believe there has been some kind of study done that links the banjo with sterility.

Because I'm sure there has.

To which Ken replied:
Didn't keep me from having two kids

Because God has a sense of humor.

To which I replied:
It's a cumulative effect.
So the vasectomy was unnecessary?
Anything that guarantees your sterility can't be a bad thing.
Man. We should blog this stuff.

Ha! That WOULD be funny!

Because it is.

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