Monday, June 25, 2007

I feel so disconnected ...

Very difficult to put into words my feelings of the past couple of days. It's weird when you're in a job that you know you're leaving, but you still have a little while left before you move.

You still have a job to do, but you no longer feel attached to any of it. You no longer have a vested interest in any of it. On the one hand, it's hard to care as much as you used to. On the other, it's hard not to care because of the people involved.

When I was in Millington on vacation, I met with my new office. My soon-to-be supervisor told me that while she thought it was noble to stay in my office for so long, I had no obligation to do so. I told her that it wasn't just for my office, but I needed this time to get my family moved.

I'm glad I took the time from a moving perspective. I'm finding it difficult to deal with from an occupational point of view.

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