Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I saw this at Linkiest:

Can you spot the fake smiles?

My Results
You got 14 out of 20 correct

It's not as easy as it sounds.


Andy said...

Cullen, 11 out of 20.

I suck!

Cullen said...

I was pretty confident on the first three and after that I felt like I was guessing on just about every other one.

The eyes give it away more than anything, though.

Anonymous said...
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nightfly said...

Same here... got the first three easy, felt a bit out to sea the rest of the way. Finished with 13 correct. Oddly, five of my seven wrong were real smiles I called fake. I'm a suspicious fellow.

Anonymous said...
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Crotalus said...

Wow. I got 17 right. But then I usually put forth a lot of effort to read facial cues, something I could never do as a kid. I also noticed that most of the women were fake smiles. 5 out of 7. Can't trust them rascals.