Monday, July 02, 2007

He sees things from under glass

I used to have this mental image of what being a military journalist would be like. This image popped up shortly before I left Okinawa for Fort Huachuca, AZ.

For some reason, this romanticized image was persistant. I pictured myself pulling up to cover stories driving an old Scout and carrying a dusty, weathered leather satchel. Don't ask me ... I know it was my image, but I'm not sure what inspired it.

I did get the leather satchel. And I did shop for a couple of Scouts. But I never bought one. And I never really put the satchel to use in a work environment.

It's weird how you have some idea, some stylized concept that is about as far from reality as you can get. But at the same time, it is that idea that keeps you going, keeps you sane through the stress.

So I have all these thoughts about how things will be with the house. Things I want to do. Things I picture doing. I hope that I'm not being overly unrealistic.

While it's easy to think that you're just along for the ride, I think the difference in romanticized dreams and realistic concepts is how much impact the event is going to have on your life. The more important the event, the more important the concept, the more realistic our aspirations.

That's my mileage anyway.

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