Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The awesome list

I have decided, just this very minute, to make a list of the things in my life that are awesome.

My kids
My wife
My parents
My extended family (mostly)
My job

The list grows. Feel free to post your own awesome list in the comments.

UPDATE: I should point out that while this list was not in any particular order, and was kind of intended to be kind of humorous, what with the Pantera and all (though I will stomp your face if you say otherwise), I would be remiss if I didn't put the list in the order it should appear:

My wife
My kids
My wife
My parents
My wife
My extended family (mostly
My wife
My job
My wife
My wife

See, told you the list grows. Oh, I should probably add Mythbusters to the list, too.

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