Wednesday, May 10, 2006

When did the band jump the shark?

Inspired by Ken's history of stealing cool music-themed posts, I am stealing this idea from The Cosmic Conservative.

The idea is simple, at what point do you believe your heard the end of a band's musical importance? That is, when did they stop making music for the sake of music and start making music for general consumption? Some bands have only ever done the latter. Some bands have maintained a decent grasp on the former.

This concept doesn't, I think, have anything to do with how well accepted they are by the public. There are some bands out there that have been very well accepted by the public that I think are making good music. Of course, there are plenty of bands that are not well received and their only mission in life is to make good-selling music.

Make sure to read Cosmic's post as he has some really good examples.

One of mine would be Metallica's ... And Justice For All. I don't think they completely sold out with this album, but I heard it coming. There was something a little bit more consumer friendly in this offering. The black album, of course, solidified this feeling.

What do you think?

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