Sunday, August 16, 2009

Unintended bachelor

Things are awfully quiet here in Cullenland. J-mom and the munchkins had to take an emergency trip to Arizona for a family issue and will be gone for a couple of weeks. The reason behind the trip sucks, but it's nice that they get to go out there and see family. It has been years since J-mom has seen some of her family. Bo has never seen many of the family members out there. So, here I am. Just me and the dog.

It was fun for about five hours. Nice and quiet, and I was able to do whatever I wanted to do in peace. Then I started to miss everyone something fierce. No Bo telling me that "I'm right and you're wrong, daddy." No Daughter Number 2 using her favorite form of transportation - the cartwheel. No Daughter Number 3 reading books and fussing at everyone. No J-mom keeping everything in order.

This is the crew at the Petrified Forest near Holbrook, AZ, earlier today. They're still driving to Mesa. And their hoping to make it there by 9 or so tonight. It's day two and I'm already dying without them.

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