Monday, February 26, 2007

Stay classy class

As many of you know, I am in the last semester of my undergraduate degree. Friday night, I had the first meeting of the second-to-last class of my program (though I am taking three core classes that are lasting all semester).

This program, though geared toward making it easier on the "adult learner," can really take it out of you. Classes meet six times -- every other Friday night from 5 - 10 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Now, most instructors don't keep you there that long. You're usually out by 8 p.m. Friday night and no later than 3 p.m. on Saturday, sometimes much earlier.

But, this second-to-the-last instructor feels some desire to maximize that time. Which I guess would be cool if it was maximized with material. But no, we are being both regaled by tales of his awesomeness and being preached at about how to succeed in education and therefore, life.

Two class meetings down, four more to go. Then just one last class. But, know what? Our last professor is just like this one. Dammit.

The three core classes are going OK, I guess. Two are online and it's easy to keep up, but it's also very easy to get sidetracked and forget that you have a paper due or a test coming up. I am praying for May to hurry its ass up and get here.

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