Monday, January 23, 2006

Film meme

1. Earliest Film Related Memory I'm not sure exactly. But my earliest memories of film-going experiences was when I was between 8 - 11 living in Colorado Springs. I would walk to the base theater every weekend and catch the weekend matinee. They played great old flicks like the old Hercules movies and the Ray Harryhausen Sinbads. GREAT memories. Greated the film fanatic in me.

2. A Favorite Line from a Movie

Dr. Roger Fleming: Ranger Brad, I'm a scientist, I don't believe in anything.

And just about every other line from The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra.

3. Jobs You Would Do If You Could Work in the Biz Ugh. Anything that didn't involve me being in the limelight. Producer? Music Producer? Something like that.

4. Three Directors I Like
My favorites: Terry Gilliam, Kevin Smith, Quentin Tarantino; honorable mention: Robert Rodriguez

5. Screenwriter I Love

Charlie Kaufman. 'Nuff said.

6. A Movie I'd like to Re-Make or a Property I would Like to Adapt for Film
I, like Lisa, despise remade movies. So, a "property" I would adapt would be Clive Barker's Abarat series. It's actually already being adapted for film. Disney has bought the rights. Hopefully they'll treat 'em well.

It's my day to be inspired by Lisa, I guess.

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