Monday, April 17, 2006

Doctor Who Season 2, Episode 1: The New Earth

Image hosting by PhotobucketYou have no idea how happy I am that Doctor Who is back on the air. Last season was one long Hallelujah Chorus of awesome. But when it ended with a regeneration, I was skeptical. "Only one season," I thought. "How can he only do one season. We love Christopher Eccleston."

But I waited, as patiently as possible, for The Christmas Invasion. And, although it was a one shot, it was good. What little David Tenant was in the episode he shined. He was just not in it enough -- to much focus on Rose. Which is my chief complaint with this new series. However, it's a very small gripe for what has proven to be a wonderful new take on one of my youthful favorites.

Now season two is here and kicks off with The New Earth. I won't go into plot as that can be found on the BBC site or at Outpost Gallifrey. But I will say that the series continues with the same passion and feel that permeated last season. I will further say that this episode benefits from the growth of the first season. The effects are definitely smoother and more lush. The extras were great and the story was fantastic.

The New Earth gets an A (The climax almost ruins it, but they, again, smooth it out and it ends well.)

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